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Direction & Focus

To achieve your goals, it’s essential to have a clear strategy as to get there. We facilitate a short, sharp practical session to identify key strategies, discuss your vision, develop strategies and importantly guide implementation and prioritisation of actions. We recommend that this process be undertaken regularly (at a minimum annually) to ensure your plan is nimble and able to change direction to adapt to changing circumstances.

What’s involved?

We use the NOW WHERE HOW process in detail to identify where your business is now, where you want to be in the next 2-3 years and how you are going to get there. We will facilitate the process to achieve the outcome you want in a timeframe that suits you. The session will typically involve:

• Discussion with senior stakeholders to understand where you are NOW
• Gain clarity as to WHERE you are going
• Determine your sustainable competitive advantage
• Develop strategies with a SWOT analysis
• Brainstorm further HOW strategies
• Prioritise top strategies
• Transform strategies into actions using a force field tool
• Pull all the work together into a one-page plan with next steps for each of the key actions.

Duration: Half-day to two-day workshops depending upon your needs and budget

Investment: Price on application

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